Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
12th June, 2016
1918. Western Ukrainian land is proclaimed a separate Republic - the West Ukrainian People's Republic. A few days later the Galicians sign an agreement with the Ukrainian People's Republic on unification. Despite the Declaration, the actual merger never happens. The Galician government retains autonomy and, before its elimination, leads an independent foreign policy without agreeing it with Ukrainian People's Republic.
1941. The Great Patriotic war starts. Galician nationalists led by Stepan Bandera were on the side of Hitler. The "Act of the proclamation of the Ukrainian State" declared in Lviv records the restoration of a separate state on the territory of the Western Ukrainian regions. This document was supported by the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and the policies of the WUPR.
1991. The crisis affected the entire Soviet Union. Instead of looking for an exit from the political and economic difficulties of the Central and Eastern regions' citizens of the USSR, three regional councils (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil) are engaged in separatism. The "Galician Assembly" is created, with the aim of uniting Galicia, splitting Ukraine.
Thus, it is Western Ukraine at the time of the creation of the Ukrainian state that laid the foundations of separatism.
2004. The Galicians were in the vanguard of the "Orange Maidan". Refusing to recognize the Ukrainian laws and the government, the Galician region withdrew from the legal field of Ukraine. And when the "orange " politicians" began to plunder and destroy the country, the Galicians didn't even make a sound.
2013. A number of regions of Western Ukraine rise the European flag over local councils, and announce their withdrawal from the jurisdiction of Kiev. Today, those who, thanks to the Galicians, came to power, are destroying the Ukrainian nation and the country. But no protests from the Galicians can be heard.
As you can see, Galicia is a region that not only destabilized the country, but is a center of separatism.
It is obvious that the time has come to give them with this opportunity.
Moreover, the presence of Galician oblasts within Ukraine are based on historical precedent. And it was created as a result of the legal chaos that accompanied the collapse of the Soviet Union.
From February 1991, on the territory of three Galician oblasts (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil), operated the so-called "Galician Assembly" — a coordinating body of the region. They (i.e., the combined Assembly of the three regional councils) passed a joint resolution "on the unity of Ukrainian lands". It actually disavowed the Declaration of the People's Assembly of Western Ukraine "On entering Western Ukraine into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic", adopted in Lviv on October 27th, 1939. The basis for the reunification of Ukrainian lands into a single state was adopted on 21st January 1919 by the Ukrainian People's Republic (the head —Symon Petliura) and West Ukrainian People's Republic "Reunion Act". It was just about the "reunification" and not the "stay" of Galicia in Ukraine.
When, in March 1991, the "Galician Assembly" (during the Soviet referendum on preserving the Soviet Union) organized a separate bill for independence from the Union, it emphasized their legal secession from the USSR.
The "Galician Assembly" continued to be active and make new decisions after the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Ukrainian SSR "Act of independence of Ukraine" in August 1991. Thus, the formation of the Ukrainian state occurred in the conditions of the reunification of Galicia on the basis of the "Reunion Act" of 1919, not the solutions of 1939.
Despite the conditions of global turmoil, nobody paid attention to one nuance — the "Act" was cancelled by the WUPR government in December 1919. That is, the inclusion of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil regions occurred on the basis of a document that is a legally invalid.
Interesting fact: Leonid Kuchma wanted to curry favor with the West and Galicia, which established the date of the signing of the "Reunion Act" as a state holiday in 1999. Thus, making the situation even more absurd.
As a result, the law of the relationship of the location of Galicia in Ukraine can be called into question.
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