Saturday, 11 June 2016

One less tank to fire on Donetsk (video)

Screen capture from the video below...

Russian Spring, June 11, 2016

Translated from Russian by Tom Winter

Near Donetsk a Ukrainian BMP has been destroyed (VIDEO)

 In the "neutral" zone, near the villages of Peski and Pervomaisk, Army fighters of the DNR found a Ukrainian BMP-2, which had been firing on on the territory of the Republic. 

[The BMP  is Боевая Машина Пехоты, i.e. "Combat vehicle, infantry." Its 100mm canon has a range of four kilometers. --Tr.]

Soldiers of the battalion "Patriot" using a SPG-9 anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade hit the BMP, and the Ukrainian occupants fled. Recovery of the BMP-2 at the location of the unit was not possible, so the company commander decided to destroy it with a missile ATGM, which was done.
_____________For two news items about Donetsk recovering, repairing, and using captured equipment, see,
where mechanics from Ukraine help restore battle-damaged tanks, and,
"Ukrainian Army is our biggest supplier"

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