Translated by Inessa Sinchougova for Fort Russ
12th June, 2016
Mihail Kasyanov tows the official US policy line, in his quest to win the next election.
Kasyanov is known in Russia as "Misha 2%" due to corruption scandals during his work at the Ministry of Finance in the 1990s. Legend has it he would always ask for 2% of whatever venture he was asked to push-through.
His party, PARNAS, is backed by the US state department and ironically focuses on "exposing" the corruption of the Putin government.
Should Kasyanov come to power, he reiterates that he will;
1) Return Crimea;
2) Leave the people of Donbass to their fate at the hands of the Ukrainian army;
3) Bend over in doggy-style position
Mr Kasyanov is a regular on CNN as the face of "Russian opposition" rubbishing the government at hand, while living large on US taxpayer dollar in Europe.
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