Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
8th June, 2016
By appropriating the State Office of the Public Prosecutor and judicial authority, Poroshenko has started a staff rotation in Central Electoral Comission (CEC). As the saying goes, the moor has done his duty, the moor can leave.
The current composition of the CEC guaranteed Poroshenko a victory in one round, and he in return gave them more work. There was some sort of conspiracy between them, no doubt. It was not for nothing that the President never threw a sharp word in the direction of the CEC, which, incidentally, was formed under Yanukovych.
Today, Poroshenko is already preparing for the next election. Like in the movie, "Either I'll take her to the registry office, or she'll take me to court". Since a union between Poroshenko and the people is no longer possible, only the path to the Prosecutor remains. So he is looking for options, how to win a second term with a dead rating. So, it will involve getting technology, administrative resources, and money.
Elections are won even before the elections, and the CEC is a major component in this. Therefore, Poroshenko will do everything to ensure that he has a controlling stake of the CEC. As Stalin said: "No matter how they vote, it is important to consider how they think". Selling the personnel loyal to him will, as needed, be calculated in money, greyhound puppies, perks, and posts.
The CEC should be maximally apolitical, and "democratically" apply the principle quota again. Moreover, people that are not respected in society are offered a role in the CEC.
In addition, it is necessary to monitor possible changes in the electoral legislation. It is not excluded that Poroshenko, after taking control over the Central Election Commission, will try to re-write even the rules of the "game" for himself.
I think in the near future, after the change of power, Ukraine will see Poroshenko's "black budget". And neither a chocolate river, nor a change of tide will help him. In a country where 86% of the population hates you, being elected as President for a second term is impossible.
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