Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
2nd June, 2016
It is believed that the omnipresent Washington can destroy the Algerian state. They did it the old-fashioned way: by instigating riots and "color revolutions". In Algeria there is fear. The government strengthens security, improves its military capability, and is actively in contact with Russia, hoping to strengthen her communication because it is included in the bloc standing on the other side of NATO.
Algeria is moving closer to Russia
This was told by a well-known journalist, author of seven books, and host of his own website - Brandon Turbeville. His new article was published on the website "Activist Post".
The Syrian crisis has dragged on. There is no hope for a speedy return to normalcy in Libya. Will Algeria have time to reflect as it is "in the crosshairs of the Anglo-American gun"?
According to the analyst, there is evidence that Algeria is also destined to a sad fate.
Having survived the attempt to destabilize the situation during the "Arab spring" supported by the West, Algeria is doing everything possible to increase the level of security of the state.
With a steel fist, the authorities stopped all attempts to destroy the functioning of the state with the help of externally inspired color revolutions and destabilizing chains. However, now when the protests of the Arab spring have gone quiet, the Algerian government is not resting. Algeria has strengthened national security measures, improved its military capacity, and cooperated with its neighbors so that they do not fall under the scope of the creators of color revolutions.
In addition, Algeria has decided to strengthen its ties with Russia and the countries that are part of an informal but growing anti-NATO bloc. In other words, Algeria is about to join a group of countries that have relied on a multi-polar world and are trying to act as a counterweight to NATO, says the journalist.
Two of the most well known examples of the expansion of cooperation between Algeria and anti-NATO are the recent acquisition of four dozen combat helicopters from Russia and the recent diplomatic visit to Syria of representatives of the Algerian government.
The Russian helicopter, known as the "Night Hunter" was reportedly one of the best in the world, and is able to perform its tasks both during the day and night, even in adverse weather conditions.
The helicopter comes to the Algerians as the modification Mi-28NE. It provides duplicate controls: for the pilot and the operator.
The supply of Russian helicopters to Algeria is nothing new, reminds the author. In 2005-2006, Russia provided 28 Su-30MKA fighters, 16 jet Yak-130, and 185 T-90S tanks to Algeria. In 2015, a contract was signed for the delivery of 14 Su-30MKA in 2016-2017. The transfer of the Mi-28 helicopters is the result of a bilateral agreement between Russia and Algeria.
Therefore, the new supply by itself does not deserve the attention of the press. On the other hand, the context of the supplies is highly important. Here the author sees the reason for discussion.
Algeria is concerned about the increase in activities of ISIS militants in the region, particularly in Libya and Tunisia. The attention of the Algerian authorities is focused on enforcement at the borders with these two countries, as well as with Niger and Mali for the same reason. The Algerian government was quick to respond to threats from terrorists in the past, and is now it's worried about the fact that the attacks by Islamist militants may lead to a transition across the borders (because some powers of the West in the future will support "measures" aimed at the disintegration of state structures of Algeria).
In February, Algeria and Russia begun to plan for the deepening of bilateral military and economic cooperation, said Turbeville.
The movement of forces of the Islamic State in the region is important to the fighters: bearded men are trying to survive and continue what they call "the struggle". Rebasing them in Libya, indicates the journalist, citing an expert, is required by Washington and its allies to implement the remaining projects of the "Arab spring", including the destabilization and destruction of Algeria, Tunisia and maybe even a new attempt of destabilization and destruction of Egypt.
The White House can also use the presence of ISIS in Libya as a pretext for a broad military intervention in Africa. Here US forces and their allies can openly enter.
That is why Algeria is preparing for a possible confrontation associated with Western scenarios, according to which the expected ISIS militants will flow out from Syria to Libya, and then continue.
The increasing desire of Algeria for the "Russian bloc" is, according to the analyst, another sign that Washington is losing its influence around the world. The position of the US and NATO is becoming increasingly untenable.
On the 30th May, in addition to this, there were messages in the central Russian press about the delivery of the first pair (of the 42 purchased) of Russian Mi-28NE attack helicopters to Algeria. This was reported by "", citing the Algerian newspaper "SecretDifa3".
The helicopters were delivered on May 26th to the air force base in the African Republic by the military transport aircraft An-124.
Algeria is the second foreign customer of these helicopters. "Lenta" recalls that in 2012, 15 units of the Mi-28NE were bought by Iraq.
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