Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
15th April, 2016
This was stated by Ukrainian nationalists who rioted on the 72nd anniversary of the city's liberation from the Nazis, which resulted the death of the Chairman of Council of veterans in the Odessa hospital.
As became known by the website "Ukraine.Ru", Vasily Pavlovich Preobrajensky – the retired Colonel and Chairman of the Council of veterans of the Suvorovsky district of the city - died in Odessa. He had witnessed clashes during the demonstrations on 10th April, the Day of liberation of Odessa from the Nazis, who organised the Ukrainian nationalists in the walk of fame and Kulikovo field.
First Secretary of the regional party organization "Union of Left Forces" Maurice Ibrahim said that the Preobrajensky was not beaten like other participants of meeting:
"he was simply very nervous from the lawlessness he saw and died of a stroke..."
Released recently from Odessa prison after she spent about two years in jail, activist from Kulikovo field Yana Ayzikovich-Popesku told the publication "Ukraina.Ru":
"This is the second case that I know of. My friend - the musician Sergey Gutyrya from the group "Province" - died shortly after the events of May 2nd – his heart gave out..."
As "Ukraine.Ru" already reported, near Odessa House of Trade Unions on Kulikovo field, and on the walk of fame, where there is the monument to the Unknown sailor and the Eternal flame, the radicals attacked the activists and beat the protesters. Activist of Kulikova field, A.Petrov, informed "Ukraine.Ru" that the veteran was beaten by radicals near the monument for the Unknown sailor. Nationalists attacked men, women were beaten and sprayed in the face with unknown gas canisters.
Anatoli Petrov said:
"The extremists threatened mass executions and slaughter. The group of Kulikovo walking from the lane of Glory to Kulikovo field, were met by aggressive, very excited, well-built gunmen in balaclavas. They clearly desired blood, which clearly they didn't drink enough of after 2nd May 2014... The extremists prevented the laying of flowers on 2nd May at a temporary memorial. And flowers that people succeeded to bring to the memorial were ruthlessly destroyed".
Usually, representatives of law enforcement bodies do not touch radicals, but this time the scenario changed. On Kulikovo field, between activists of nationalist organizations and law enforcement, a scuffle broke out when police tried to detain one of the Odessa "pravy sector".
These radicals from all over Ukraine announced that they will gather in Odessa on May 2nd. They intend to disrupt the activities planned by Odessa in memory of those killed in the Odessa Khatyn massacre two years ago. This was publicly declared in the square at the Odessa House of Trade Unions:
"May 2nd is our day of victory! And here we'll stand! And they – they are the victims of Kremlin propaganda. We'll come here on May 2nd... And a lot of us will come, our brothers will come here from all regions of Ukraine," said one of the rebel leaders.
Galina, an "antimaidan" activist on Kulikovo field, confirmed to the website "Ukraine.Ru" the information that there is a danger of repetition May 2nd in Odessa:
"Anyway, as you can see, that's what these Nazis intend to do", she regretted.
According to her, everything also depends on the political conditions:
"Last year the Governor was Igor Palitsia – an ambiguous man, but as it turned out, quite sane. And now Huber – this Georgian. It is possible that in the fight against Poroshenko these riots will only be useful for him".
She reported that the activists on Kulikovo field, which also includes the mothers of the dead, are now working on organizing a memorial rally. The mood of the residents of Odessa-antimaidan is strong. They consult with the city authorities, including the police:
"The details are still unknown but they definitely said that the rally will take place in any case. The more people that will come, the safer it will be on Kulikovo. Last year, for example, 50,000 people came. It was all very well organized: there were frames with metal detectors, there was a lot of police, there were even snipers on the roof of the House of Trade Unions, although it was probably overkill... Most importantly – Nazi's were not allowed on the field. But it was even better for them, because ours would have been torn to pieces".
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