in DONiPRESS, April 14, 2016
Translated by Tom Winter
There was a time when I wrote that we were in a Second Cold War. There was also a time when I, like many others, looked upon the fall of the Soviet Union as a great victory for peace.
There is much to say yet about the USSR, certainly the giant had long since been a "dead man walking," frozen, paralyzed, and cornered by a race against the great American enemy, a competition which ended in the complete destruction of a system which was no longer viable neither knowing how to resist the onslaught of the West over time, or how to reform to find the resources to continue the fight some other way. No matter how far from me the idea of a nostalgia that I never had for the defunct union, the fact of the matter is that the cold war never stopped.
It should have.
A documentary from 11 years ago sheds much light on what has been happening in Ukraine and Europe from an American offensive that looks like an overall plan that the CIA developed probably in the early 2000s. For the collapse of the Soviet Union didn't mean peace, far from it. The 2005 film "The US: for the conquest of the East"
is a good tool for understanding the mindset of the US deep government and the CIA at the time.
In a very relaxed and open manner, participants clearly explain US plans to destabilize an entire sequence of regimes, all in the backyard of the Russian Federation and with the ultimate aim being Russia itself. On an orange T-shirt, the film shows the revolutions already accomplished and those yet to accomplish, from Belarus, on to Russia, and the countries of Central Asia.
The nonchalance of the participants is disturbing, an American publisher in Kyrgyzstan, a known CIA agent who is behind a revolution organized by the US, passing among activists on the American dole with a large-scale very select menu of several countries with revolutions achieved and those still to come.
Amid unabashed laughter, it's a question of methods, symbols, choosing a color, contamination of the People, especially the young people born after the fall of the Berlin Wall, with unlimited funding by the United States, the money that will flow, the tomorrows that will sing.
All this is alarming because of a great cynicism, notably about the human cost. Certainly, to arrange the "democratic" cause, the CIA officers say they must find the ways and means to engage these muffled and almost game-like revolutions. But all told, it sounds very false; many a time, the cameras are cut, and the participants get annoyed.
Manon Loiseau, the person who shot the film, is a journalist, a watchdog faithful to the system, Russian-speaking, but committed to fighting Russia, she has a series of Russophobic and anti-Putin documentaries. If Russia is mentioned as objective, the devil to be eliminated throughout her productions is Vladimir Putin. It is a veritable business, with eight films between 1996 and 2014 produced to attack Russia, stooping to such propaganda as her 2009 Serial Murders in the Land of Putin [ Meurtres en série au pays de Poutine].
There will be of course no movies about the serial murders of politicians and journalists in Ukraine ... [This translation here omits a paragraph on the credentials and prizes of the film maker]
The end of the documentary clearly announces the final target: destroy Russia. Yet it falls within the tragicomic, focusing on a group of activists funded by the United States via the famous NGOs with their more or less grandiloquent names. We have here 300 protesters who make the public weep and the director noting full face, that hundreds of thousands, millions of Russians firmly await the "democratic" vanguard of the United States. And there is the comic also clumsy appearance of Saakashvili asking Bruce Jackson whether he's said anything stupid ... we know the rest.
The result is that after successful revolutions in Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia -- most of them stalled out, demonstrating that there hasn't been any democracy that has come in to replace the "dictatorships" but only that they have put in power men, oligarchs, and paid agents of the United States. This is how these color revolutions end up that stir the hearts of Western audiences to reprise these violent events funded with billions of dollars, as we have seen in Syria and in Ukraine.
The plans have collapsed. Georgia was a damp petard against Russia, and it fizzled into 2008, ending up in the absolute hatred of the majority of his people against Saakashvili.
They had to revert to the techniques of another age for the Orange Revolution Ukraine to be devastated thoroughly by the Brown Maidan in violence and war, the Ukrainian people failing to realize that the paradise, generously offered by the United States, was not an option, but an obligation.
The Cold War, from its origin to the end of World War II to this day has never stopped. The US could not act concretely in Russia after the Soviet Union's fall, hoping to guide the elites who had overthrown the old system -- they were disappointed by the unexpected arrival of a certain Vladimir Putin.
For this documentary where the Americans say unvarnished truth, it is certain that through Yugoslavia, the Balkans, Ukraine to Central Asia, the great struggle continues relentlessly: the US wants the fall of Russia, and some in this film seem to gloat and rejoice, smiles on their faces. ... It was the sale of the skin of the Russian bear -- before killing the bear. I judge you and wish you a good viewing.
Among those actively working for the ruin of of Russia, the CIA agent cited less than others, there is one Bruce Pitcairn Jackson.
Born in 1952, founder and president for the CIA's POTD project and NGOs that help the "democratic" transitions in the world with coups de dollars and American intentions. Note that the organization is also a platform and a rear base for the means to implement the integration of all the countries "pacified" into NATO. Intelligence officer in the US Army from 1979 to 1990, he joined a New York bank that year, Lehman Brothers, while from 1993 until 2002, Vice President for Strategy and Planning activities of the US monster Lockheed Martin Corporation (the first global company in the field of defense and security, 45 600 million, please, designer of the F-16, 22 and 35 among others).
This pure creature of the American machine has held numerous positions, including the presidency of the US Committee on NATO, an organization funding the strengthening of ties between his country and Europe, probably at the origin of the push that saw Presidents Sarkozy and Hollande betray France by putting it back into the unified NATO command.
He has played an active role in disorder and revolutions and manipulations in Europe from 2004 as a member of the International Commission on the Balkans, on the board of an NGO, the We Remember Foundation working to destabilize the Belarus, but also the revolutions in many countries of Central Europe and the East.
He is one of the main figures behind the revolutions in Georgia (the end of 2003, as shown in the film associated with the article), Ukraine, Orange Revolution (2004), integration of Slovakia into NATO and the EU (March and May 2004), integration of the Czech Republic in the EU (May 2004), same for Lithuania, for Estonia and Latvia entering the NATO and the EU in the same year, in Kyrgyzstan the Tulip Revolution coup of 24 March 2005, the integration of Slovenia into the EU and NATO (2004), integration of Hungary and Poland in the EU (2004, already NATO members since 1999) integration of Romania and Bulgaria into NATO (2004) and the EU (2007), integration of Croatia into NATO (2009) and the EU (2013).
Among other manipulations the push for integration, by EU candidacy, of Macedonia (2004), Turkey (2005), Serbia (2009), Montenegro (2010), not to mention fomented unrest in Moldova (elections of April 2009) and an association agreement between that country and the EU signed in soft (June 2014) in exchange for its refusal to join the Eurasian Union, manipulated independence of Kosovo (2012) and of course in the Maidan in Ukraine (2013-2014), being also a man of the unspeakable Senator John McCain since 2008. He is known for his anti-Russian actions and sworn hostility also towards Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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