Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
4th April, 2016
Mianews (originally published on 26th March, 2016)
In Odessa, the Ukrainian court has upheld the jail sentence of the 32-weeks pregnant journalist Elena Glischinskaya for another two months. The journalist is accused of "separatism".
The hearing was held by video conference as Glischinskaya's pregnancy is suffering from complications, and she is currently in the medical unit of the detention center.
Without taking into account the state of health of the imprisoned journalist, the Prosecutor requested the extension of the detainment because, in his opinion, the accused could abscond from court, ruin or destroy evidence, and pressure witnesses.
The argument in her defence, first and foremost, indicated that she has not made a single attempt to leave the town or country, as she was engaged in her professional work. And now, being in jail, she wants to prove her innocence in court.
The court did not consider the arguments of the lawyers of the accused, and left the 32-weeks pregnant Elena Glischinskaya in jail for another two months - until 14th May.
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