Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
6th April, 2016
Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalie Jaresko during the year 2015 declared 121,700 UAH comprehensive income, which is three times more when compared with 2014.
According to the Declaration published on the official website of the Ministry of Finance, from the total income, Jaresko's salary for 2015 was $73,000 UAH. (6,080 UAH./mo.), dividends - 24,900 UAH, alimony - 21,900 UAH.
From sources outside of Ukraine, she received $18,300 (in 2014 - $2 million and EUR 2,400), the members of her family received of $56,300.
The Finance Minister declared two plots of land - 3,000 sq m and 6,900 square meters and a house of 267,5 sq. m in size, which is jointly owned.
In 2015, the contribution of the Minister of Finance in the authorized capital of enterprises increased to 36.7 million. (almost the entire amount - overseas), whilst directly for the year she made 167,800 UAH. (the entire amount - overseas).
Jaresko in 2015, as a contribution to voluntary insurance, paid 77,000 UAH, of which 52,000 UAH., came from abroad.
The Minister of Finance in 2015 paid abroad 4,46 million USD. to repay the principal loan amount of 568,000 UAH. - the interest on the loan (in 2014 - the principal amount was 12,7 million USD, 542,600 UAH.
Other expenses of the Minister in 2015 amounted to almost UAH 14 million. (in particular abroad - 1.4 million USD), while in 2014 - 18,9 mln UAH. and 17.6 million USD.
According to the Declaration, Jaresko doesn't claim for a car or other vehicles.
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