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"Night Standing We're not going home Convergence of struggles Org" |
Thierry Meyssan
In Voltairenet, April 10, 2016
Translated by Tom Winter April 14, 2016
The movement "Night Standing" that has just been created in France, and also in Spain and Germany, aims to block the El-Khomri bill on the reform of the Labour Code and, more generally, to struggle against neoliberalism. Thierry Meyssan denounces the hollow and incoherent discussions. He notes the organizers' explicit references to the manipulations of the Gene Sharp team, who arranged the color revolutions of the Arab Spring for the CIA.
The Parisian press is agog over the birth of a political movement, "Night Standing." Hundreds of people gather on the main squares of the major French cities to discuss and remake the world.
This "spontaneous" movement got organized in just a few days. It now has two websites, one for radio and one for web TV. In Paris, Place de la Republique, 21 commissions were formed that are aimed in all directions at once: Artistic Entertainment, Climate, Canteen, Creating a Manifesto, Drawing Standing, Garden of Knowledge, Protests, Camping, Democracy, Science Standing, General Strike, Education, Economics, Feminism, LGTBI +, TV Standing, Vote Blank, Transparency, French Africa, Hospitals, Communication. -- It is in this gossip that they would gamble the future of the country.
"Night Standing" would have arisen from the projection of the militant film "Thanks, Boss" of François Ruffin, on 23 February. The audience would have constituted a collective "Convergence of Struggles" with the idea of bringing together the concerns of employees, migrants, and others. [1]
However, a reading of the appeal written by "Convergence of Struggles" will not fail to surprise. It goes:
"This movement is not born in Paris and will not die in Paris. From the Arab Spring, the movement of 15M to Tahrir Square to Gezi Park, Republic Square and many other places occupied tonight in France -- these events are illustrative of the same anger, the same hopes, and the same conviction: the need for a new society, where democracy, dignity, and freedom are not empty declarations." [2]
If this movement is not born in Paris, as claimed by its proponents, who had the idea?
References to the "Arab Spring," to the "Movement of 15M" to "Tahrir Square" and "Gezi Park" -- well, all four of them were movements clearly supported, if not initiated, by the CIA. The "Arab Spring" -- that's the State Department project to overthrow Arab secular regimes and replace them by the Muslim Brotherhood.
The "Movement of 15M" in Spain was the challenge to the economic policies of the major parties while affirming the commitment to European institutions. The "Tahrir Square" in Egypt is usually considered one of the places of the Arab Spring, and can be distinguished mainly by its take-over by Mohammad Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood.
As for the Gezi Park, this was the only secular movement of the four, but it was orchestrated by the CIA to warn Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who essentially managed to ignore it.
The non-intervention of the police headquarters, the discreet support of the European Union for Radio Debout, and the presence among the organizers of staff from Direct Action [5] do not seem to pose a problem to the participants.
Of course, the reader wonders if I do not force the dose here also seeing the hand of Washington. But the manipulations of the Gene Sharp team in twenty countries are now widely documented and studied by historians. And this is not me, but the organizers of "Night Standing" that refer to his actions.
The Gene Sharp team always intervenes with identical recipes. Depending on the case, the aim of the manipulated events is either to change the regime, or on the other hand, to sterilize the opposition, as is the case here. Since 2000, this team uses a logo borrowed from the Communists, the better to combat them: a raised fist. This is obviously the symbol that the "Convergence of Struggles" has chosen.
The slogan of "Night Standing," "We're not going home," is new in the long succession of Gene Sharp operations, but it is quite typical of his way of intervening: this slogan does not include any positive claim, offers nothing. This is just to occupy the street and distract the media while the serious things are going on somewhere else.
The very principle of "night stand" excludes any participation of labor. You have to be well a night owl to pass the nights talking. the "Employees and those on the edge" that one is supposed to defend have to get to work in the morning and can not afford sleepless nights.
These folk are not the commission of "night stand" -where one is interested in anything but the ravages of exploitation and impérialism - that will end the domination of France by a coterie of the wealthy, who have sold out to Anglo-Saxons and have just allowed the Pentagon to install military bases. To imagine otherwise is to believe a bedtime story.
1] « Nuit debout : genèse d’un mouvement pas si spontané », Eugénie Bastié, Le Figaro, 7 avril 2016.
[2] « Appel de la Nuit Debout », place de la République le 8 avril 2016, Paris.
[3] « L’Albert Einstein Institution : la non-violence version CIA », par Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 4 juin 2007.
[4] La présence de l’équipe de Gene Sharp est attestée au moins dans : la chute des Caucescu (1989), la place Tian’anmen (1989), la Lituanie (1991), le Kosovo (1995), la « révolution des Bulldozers » en Serbie (2000), l’Irak (2002), la « révolution des roses » en Géorgie (2003), l’« insurrection de Maafushi » aux Maldives (2003), la « révolution orange » en Ukraine (2004), la « révolution du cèdre » au Liban (2005), la « révolution des tulipes » au Kirghizistan (2005), la « marche du désaccord » en Russie (2006-7), les « manifestations pour la liberté d’expression » au Venezuela (2007), la « révolution verte » en Iran (2009), « Poutine doit partir » (2010), la « révolution de jasmin » en Tunisie (2010), la « journée de la colère » en Égypte (2011), « occupy Wall Street » aux États-Unis (2011), le « mouvement du 15M » en Espagne (2011), le « sit-in » de Mexico (2012), « le départ » à nouveau au Venezuela (2014), la « place Maidan » à nouveau en Ukraine (en 2013-14), etc.
[5] Action directe fut un groupe d’extrême gauche, qui organisa 80 attentats et assassinats dans les années 80, et fut en définitive manipulé par le Gladio, c’est-à-dire les services secrets de l’Otan.
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