Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
15th April, 2016
In Moscow there was a scandal at a kindergarten, belonging to high school № 1539, because of the antics of one of the pre-school pupil's mothers. The woman, who does not hide her love for Stepan Bandera (what is written on her social network), demanded to fire the leadership of the school after a physical education teacher who put on the feast in honor of February 23rd, with songs of the war years.
As was told to "Ridus" by the teacher, the Ukrainian woman was troubled by the fact that the musical accompaniment at the festival "used Soviet military pop music". The nationalist includes well-known military songs and the song about the airborne forces as "pop-music". In addition, she did not like that the kids were wearing uniforms of Soviet soldiers. "Now the mother demands to revise the program of the holiday on May 9th and threatened to fire everyone. Because of her, I have been summoned to the leadership, because she wrote a complaint about me," said the teacher.
The management of the school in the person of the Director, Karacharova T. I, agreed to consider the complaint. "How is it possible that in Russia, in Moscow, a good teacher can be accused of teaching Patriotic programs and almost threatened with dismissal in favor of the Ukrainian nationalist. From all groups, we have signed a statement in support of the teachers," said one mother.
According to parents, the admirer of the Bandera's ideas repeatedly came to kindergarten with the flag of Ukraine. On her bag it is written "Russia — the bottom". This woman complained about having difficulty registering Russian documents.
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