Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
28th May, 2016
At the trial in Odessa of the "2nd May" case, it turned out that the Ukrainian Prosecutor's office arbitrarily changed the location of people's death, writes "Moskovsky Komsomolets".
The newspaper reminds that the court considered only the episode in the Greek Square, where six people were killed in clashes between Maidan activists and those of the "Kulikovo field" movement, but in the case of the death of people in the House of Trade Unions, but until now there is still no accused or even suspected.
The publication states that the indictment in the "case of 2nd May" raises many questions, and from it, according to the prosecution, it follows that all six victims of the clashes in the center of Odessa died or were injured at Sobornaya Square.
"Recall that Sobornaya Square that day became the "base" of pro-maidan protesters who gathered along with football ultras, Self-Defense, and "Right Sector," the newspaper writes. "How four "Kulikovo field" supporters could find themselves there? Evgeny Losinsky was a soldier of the Odessa militia, and the moment of his fatal injury is clearly recorded in photos and videos.
It happened in the "Athens" shopping center on Grecheskaya Square exactly at the moment when fire from hunting rifles was opened from the balcony of the Centre of Bulgarian Culture on the crowd of "Kulikovo" activists and police. On the balcony was a group of pro-maidan activists; also the name of one of the shooters is known: Sergey Khodiyak. Presumably mathematician Alexander Zhulkov died at the hands of Khodiyak. The time of his injury was also captured on video - he was in the ranks of the fighters of the Odessa militia in the Greek Square. Activists of "Kulikovo field" Gennady Petrov and Nikolay Yavorsky also died on Greek Sqaure near "Athens".
The agency asks itself the question: why this investigation could need to "remove" these people on Sobornaya Square?
"The answer is obvious. In the document you can read that Petrov, Yavorsky, and Zhulkov supposedly "happened to be" in the place of the "mass riots," the newspaper specifies. "It means that the investigation wants to portray the anti-maidan activists as simple "bystanders" who were not killed at the hands of concrete armed maidan activists, but instead because of the "mass riots" that were of course provoked by anti-maidan people themselves."
Information contained in the accusatory report on the "case of 2nd May" is contradictory to already known facts fixed by journalists and video streamers that were working on this tragic day in Odessa, and also by many witnesses," resumes Moskovsky Komsomolets. The arbitrary change of location of the victims' death and the transformation of anti-maidan activists as "bystanders" testifies that the investigation into this case is being totally falsified.
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