Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
29th May, 2016
Prime Minister Netanyahu was pleased President Putin granted the return of an Israeli tank captured in battle near the village of Sultan Yaakub.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the return of Israeli tanks captured in battle near the village of Sultan Yaakub during the First Lebanon war.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised the issue at the request of the Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot during the meeting with President Putin in the Kremlin last month, as the tank is the only memory for the families of the missing soldiers.
At the end of last week, Israel received the message that President Putin had accepted the request of Prime Minister Netanyahu to return to the tank, which as transferred by the Syrians to the Russian army and installed in the Tank Museum in Moscow.
Prime Minister Netanyahu informed the families of the missing soldiers Tzvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz, and Zachary Baumel.
Today there is a delegation of the Artillery corps of the IDF in Moscow, which, together with the representatives of the Russian army, examined ways to promptly return the tank to Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
"I thank the President of Russia Vladimir Putin for responding to my request to return the Israeli tank captured in battle at Sultan Yaakub.
The families of the disappeared of Zachary Baumel Tzvi Feldman, and Yehuda Katz have not known about the fate of their sons for 34 years, and don't know where their graves are.
This tank is the only evidence of the battle, and now it will return to Israel thanks to President Putin."
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