Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
30th May, 2016
Nadezhda Savchenko gives the impression of a deranged, sadist, noted American journalist Michael Bom.
Operating in Russia, American journalist Michael Bom analyzed some aspects of the case of the Ukrainian gun-layer Nadezhda Savchenko, and came to the conclusion that she was partly a victim of her own inadequacy. Bom's thoughts were shared on the talk show "Majority", which was broadcasted on NTV on Friday, May 27th.
In his opinion, Savchenko being selected as the person for the role of the accused in the murder of Russian journalists is no accident.
"Who could think of a better target than this very strange, inappropriate Nadezhda Savchenko, who in every word and movement creates an absolutely terrible impression of a deranged sadist," commented Bom on the outcome of the controversy. "For the vast majority of Russians, looking at her is enough to finally "see" that she is the killer of these two journalists."
Experts in the studio talk show "Majority", Ukrainian and Russian politicians, discussed that it may actually turn out to be the return of a national heroine for Ukraine.
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