Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
30th March, 2016
Dmitry Firtash is difficult to accuse of being sympathetic to Moscow. He was called one of the main sponsors of the Maidan. And at the same time, there is the issue of Firtash's extradition to the US, where he is accused of bribery in the purchase of assets in India. However, Austria, where he was arrested, considers that the US is just settling their political scores with the Ukrainian oligarch, and didn't extradite him to America.
Moreover, Firtash was released from custody after a record Austrian deposit — $125 million. It is a fact that Firtash during the Maidan bet on Vitali Klitschko as the future President of Ukraine. But the US considered Klitschko to be not one of their own, but a European (specifically German) protégé. So they staked on Arseniy Yatsenyuk. As a result, today Firtash may not even appear in Ukraine, where the ally of Yatsenyuk, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov promised to arrest the oligarch and immediately extradite him to America.
Surprisingly, a direct and frank interview with Dmitry Firtash was published by the American business Agency Bloomberg. Naturally, the conversation took place in the Austrian capital Vienna. Here is what Firtash said to the American journalist.
About the Ukrainian government: Incompetent and helpless, they led the country to disaster
"Today it is already obvious that the current government of Ukraine is politically bankrupt. There is no need to have a discussion. There is nothing to wait for with this government. It manifested itself in the last two years very clearly, which led the country to disaster. If they remain in power any longer, this can only make it harder. They had the opportunity to prove themselves for two years. They have shown that they are incompetent, helpless and in addition unable to do anything besides PR. They are not independent."
About US policy: America has not coped with the task of making Ukraine a successful project
"I do not like the fact that our country is being externally controlled. You know, I don't like that the Americans control Ukraine. They may be very smart in the United States of America, I have nothing against them, but there is one problem — you have to understand that Ukraine is still an independent state. And I wish Ukraine was ruled by Ukrainians. And was not under external management.
And as life has shown during these two years, Ukraine today is not a successful project. That is, America has not coped with this task. Instead of having providing a solution, they created a battlefield, you know, they destroyed everything. Economically and politically, they destroyed the country and made it poor. And this is not the only situation of its kind. Let's look at Syria, let's look at Ukraine. The handwriting is the same, you know."
About the American curators of Ukraine: They built a bad strategy and continue to defend it to the end
"I'm not at war with the United States. To begin with. It is not a fight with the state. It is a struggle with certain officials within the US government, who built a bad strategy regarding Ukraine and today continues to defend it until the end, trying to sell their bad actions."
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