Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
30th March, 2016
Prime Minister Mark Rutte believes that Ukraine should never be a member of the European Union (EU).
He stated this in an interview with about the Ukrainian referendum next week.
According to the Prime Minister, the Netherlands is against accession, "because we believe that Ukraine should have a good relationship with both Europe and Russia. They can't do that if they are in the European Union".
Rutte: "It is also about the history of the Ukraine. If you look at the history, Russia also has its origins in Kiev and other parts of the Ukraine."
Rutte said the attitude of Russia towards Ukraine is partly understandable. "You can't deny that Russia rightly asked Ukraine to have a good relationship with it. Russia only went too far when it said that Ukraine may only maintain a good relationship with Russia."
According to the Prime Minster, Russia will consider the rejection of the treaty as support of its own position. "We should not reward Russia with their desires."
Rutte did not elaborate in the interview on the possibility of other referenda and the consequences for the position of the Netherlands in the EU.
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