Monday, 30 November 2015

Erdogan tells Russian journalist to be quiet regarding the sponsoring of ISIS

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
30th November, 2015

Erdogan, at the climate summit in Paris, did not respond to persistent questioning by the LifeNews reporter regarding the Turkish support for the leader of the terrorist group DAESH*. The Turkish President then swiftly raised his finger to his lips, as if asking the journalist to shut up, and then the protection of Erdogan roughly pushed the reporter aside.

Note that in Syria the attack on the Russian su-24 bomber was viewed as revenge for the destruction by Russia airforces of the ISIS-owned oil/fuel tankers. As reported earlier, the Syrian Minister Omran Al-Zoubi, the son of Erdogan, received smuggled fuel from the terrorists, until the military operation of Russia affected its business.

Many experts also agree that Turkey has its own interests in Syria, and it benefits from the existence of the group DAESH.

*The Arabic acronym of ISIS, the organization is forbidden in Russia by the decision of the Supreme court.

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