Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Soskin: "Putin Invades Syria, Will Send Iranian Army to Ukraine & Aim Missiles at Kiev"

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
13th January, 2016

"Putin has set the task: to restore the Russian Empire and to go back to a bipolar world — the US-Russian Empire. The group of Dugin, Rogozin, Glaziev, Prokhanov told him to start with Ukraine, because Moscow has always started with Ukraine, and then without any problems devoured all others.

First, Putin wanted to absorb Ukraine in a peaceful way through Yanukovych, it did not work due to the fact that Ukraine rallied all the healthy, Patriotic national-conservative forces. After the failure of peaceful absorption, Putin turned to aggression with the use of talent grown in Dugin training camps, such as Girkin, Gubarev. Dugin has trained many young people both in Ukraine and in Russia, which later became cannon fodder for the war against Ukraine.

After the capture of the Crimean Peninsula, Russian saboteurs thought they could quickly cope with the whole of Ukraine. But they failed to capture the space. The powerful Ukrainian volunteer movement stopped the blitzkrieg of Putin. As a result, the Russian saboteurs only had a small piece under control — Lugandoniya (Lugansk -ed). The Kremlin came to the conclusion that without the use of aircraft and missiles to expand, this enclave will fail. Therefore the project "Novorossiya"as a hybrid multipole project failed.

When Putin realized that the blitzkrieg failed, (and then he still messed up the situation of the downed "Boeing"), he decided to act differently, becoming very tangible to sanctions, and falling oil prices, while Putin himself began to lose in the negotiation process as the aggressor. Then he began to use the fifth column headed by Medvedchuk, Kuchma, Pinchuk, Poroshenko and traitors around him. Thanks to them, Putin has managed to stabilize the situation. Plus he was hooked up to all its agents of influence in the European Union and the United States.

He has managed to refocus the conflict through the Minsk agreements, and disorient world public opinion because he showed that it is not Russia's aggression but an internal civil conflict. Putin succeeded thanks to Kuchma and Medvedchuk to raise the status of Lugandoniya gangsters to legitimate negotiators. As a result, they became full-fledged negotiators who speak on equal terms with the representatives of Ukraine. Thus, instead of talking about Putin as the aggressor and the occupier, they instead consider Lugandoniya in conjunction with Crimea. Putin moved all this internal conflict in Ukraine between different groups of influence. Allegedly, in Lugandoniya the population rose up against the nationalists and fascists. Thus he changed the format and content procedures. He jumped out of the matrix of the aggressor, and became a negotiator, who defends the interests of people who are tired of the tyranny of Kiev. He was supported in this by both France and Germany.

Moving the conflict into an internal channel, Putin came out of the talks and went for another game table, where he played Obama, where he attacked him in New York. On the eve of the Session of the UN General Assembly, Putin gave an extensive interview to TV channels CBS and PBS. Here's what he said about Ukraine:

"As for Ukraine – this is a special situation. Ukraine is the closest country to us. We kept saying that Ukraine is a brotherly country, it is. This is not just a Slavic nation, it is the most close to Russian people: very similar language, culture, common history, common religion, and so on.

That, I believe, is absolutely unacceptable to us? Addressing issues, including controversial issues, domestic issues in the republics of the former Soviet Union with the so-called "color revolutions", with coups and unconstitutional methods of the current government. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Our partners in the United States do not hide that have supported those who are opposed to President Yanukovych. Some have said that almost several billion [has been] spent.
People who live in Ukraine, we share thousands of joint contacts and thousands of links. And we know who, where and when they met and who worked with those who overthrew Yanukovych, supported them, how much was paid, how it was prepared, in which territories, in what countries and who were the instructors. We all know.

In fact, our American partners already do not hide. They explicitly say that, Yes, we have supported, trained, spent much money. They quoted large numbers – up to five billion, and there the account goes on billions of dollars. Therefore, there is no secret here, nobody argues with it any more.

Russia has never accepted it, nor will it accept and is not going to take part in any action aimed at overthrowing a legitimate government. I'm talking about something else – what if someone else does this, the result is very heavy. In Libya is a complete disintegration of the state, in Iraq is the filling of this area by the terrorists in Syria to do the same, it seems that there is, in Afghanistan, the situation, you know what it is.

What has happened in Ukraine? The coup in Ukraine leading to civil war, because, perhaps, many citizens of Ukraine do not trust President Yanukovych. But it was legitimate to go to the polls, to elect another head of state, not to organize a coup d'etat. But once the coup took place, who supported it, someone liked it, someone did not. And those who didn't like it, started talking from a position of strength. The result is a civil war".

Thus, the President of the Russian Federation openly accused the USA of destabilizing the international order, allocating their money on color revolutions and implementing in Ukraine a coup, which led to the civil war, spending $5 billion dollars of American taxpayers' money. And despite the fact that it was stated not just by anybody, but by the President of the country, which is a member of the UN Security Council, Obama said nothing and did not comment on these statements. And Putin has set a revolution in Ukraine in line with what happened in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and other countries. According to him, the US created an internal conflict in Ukraine, and it has nothing to do with it.

After that, he showed that he would act differently and sat at the table playing the world of Obama. He said: "I'm also a global player and will not let you, Barack Hussain, hang labels on me and try to limit my activities". Therefore Putin invades Syria and starts bombing Syrian cities and to bombard Syria with missiles in the Caspian sea. He agrees with the Assad government and begins recovery actions of his regime. Moreover, because he needs cannon fodder, he opens cooperation with Iran. And Iran sends cannon fodder to Syria to support Assad and the cleaning of Syria of its enemies.

It is for us a key point. Putin began to create an anti-American "anti-imperialist" coalition. He has already joined Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt and the Russian Federation. Now they are a unified force against "American imperialism". Now with the help of the Iranian military in the form of cannon fodder Putin will be able to clean up Syria.

What's next after Assad regains control of all of Syria? In Lugandoniya there will be elections, where Yanukovych and Azarov with his people will visit. Azarov, as "the legitimate Prime Minister" will require that Russia introduces its troops there. It will introduce 100-thousand Iranian army on our territory. Instead of tanks, there will be the Buryats. And we up to this time will further weaken. Since Ukraine is bankrupt, we are in technical default, we need, in November, to buy back Eurobonds for 600 million euros, and in December, Russia need to be paid $3 billion.

Thus, in Ukraine troops will be introduced by the "anti-imperialist" anti-American coalition, ostensibly to restore constitutional order. These forces will be called "liberators" aimed to stop the "invading Americans". And with the Iranians Zoroastrians and Babylonians it will be very difficult to fight. At the same time, Putin will be bombing and shooting Ukrainian cities with rockets.
Now all this sounds daunting, but two years ago most would have called crazy those who would have spoken about the occupation of Crimea and cauldrons in Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk. When I said that Ukraine would go to war with Russia, everyone was watching me, rolling my eyes, like a sheep, and said that this will never happen.

The key point for us is Syria. If Putin reaches there and, from the success of his coalition, extracts full control of the Assad regime over the territory of Syria, next will be Ukraine, which will include Iranian and Russian troops. Citizens of Ukraine have finally understood that and are serious about this process. Naturally, to win is impossible with the heads of Ukraine being the carrion eating and kleptomaniacs Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Turchynov. The only salvation is the immediate gathering of weapons from the United States, including missile and air defenses, and to take control of the Ukrainian-Russian border, taking advantage of the fact that Putin is waging war in Syria and cannot commit to several fronts, and within a week strangle Lugandoniya will be strangled. After this we need to raise the issue of ending the Russian occupation of Crimea. To do this, the Black sea should include a squadron of American ships, including the Marines. We must be ready to attack Russian troops from the land, and the Americans from the sea. It's the only option. Ukraine is for the U.S government, who will save us from world destruction, which is being prepared them for them by the team headed by Putin."

~ Oleh Soskin, head of Ukrainian National Conservative party

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